Tiffany Timbers, MDS Vancouver's Co-Director, Wins SSC Early Career Educator Award
The SSC Early Career Educator Award recognizes excellence in teaching statistics
We want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Master of Data Science Vancouver's Co-Director and Assistant Professor of Teaching, Tiffany Timbers, for being awards the the first SSC Early Career Educator Award for 2023.
According to the Statistical Societ of Canada (SSC) website, the SSC Early Career Educator Award recognizes excellence in teaching statistics by early career SSC members, through commitment to evidence-based pedagogy and in contributions to statistical education in Canada. Such excellence may be demonstrated through contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning, attention to accessibility and inclusivity of learning environments, or innovation in development and/or implementation of new courses, curricula or programs.
In their announcement of the award, Tiffany was honoured for "her internationally recognized contributions to the fields of statistics and data science education; for her commitment to creating broadly accessible learning environments; and her clear vision, expansive knowledge, and passion for teaching data science to students from a wide variety of backgrounds."
Thank you Tiffany for all the work you've done for the MDS program and our students.
Congratulations once again!