
Turning data into knowledge

Data is everywhere. Continuously generated and collected across every domain, it is a vast and largely untapped resource of information with the potential to reveal insights about every aspect of our lives and the world we live in. However, the ability to uncover these insights is a highly specialized skill possessed by far too few.

UBC’s Master of Data Science program was designed to address this workforce gap by equipping students with the technical skills, practical experience, and most importantly, the confidence to seize opportunities in an ever-expanding field.

The program is offered at both the UBC Vancouver campus and the UBC Okanagan campus, with an additional Master of Data Science in Computational Linguistics offered at the Vancouver campus.

Explore Data Science

“It's estimated that Canada will see a shortage of up to 19,000 professionals with data and analytical skills.”
- Canada's Big Data Consortium

Program Features


Accelerated Learning

10-month, accelerated format allows students to start their careers sooner

data set

Diverse Data Sets

Students gain practical experience using real data sets across a range of domains


Real-World Experience

Students have opportunities to learn outside the classroom, while working to find solutions to real-world problems.

Explore UBC MDS programs

Meet Our Students & Alumni

Master of Data Science Vancouver Sandra Gross

Sandra Gross, MDS Vancouver, Class of 2024

"MDS is the optimal choice for anyone looking to delve into data science. Its concise structure and practical focus—rather than theoretical research—opens doors for individuals from all backgrounds, regardless of their prior technical expertise and academic background."

Master of Data Science Okanagan Lili Tang

Lili Tang, MDS Okanagan, Class of 2023

“The MDS program at UBC offers an accelerated 10-month curriculum that covers all stages of the data science value chain, providing me with a comprehensive skill set in a relatively short period of time. Moreover, the program's structure allows me to quickly return to the workforce after completing my studies.”

Master of Data Science Computational Linguistics Max Ahluwalia

Max Ahluwalia, MDS Computational Linguistics, Class of 2024

“The capstone project was a key factor in my decision to choose the MDS Computational Linguistics program since it provided a valuable opportunity to apply my knowledge and skills in a real-world setting. As a professional degree, the capstone perfectly combined academic learning with practical application, allowing us to use what we had learned in a professional context.”