Connect with MDS Students and Alumni
Whether you are currently recruiting talented Data Scientists, wanting to learn how Data Science could be leveraged to help your organization or looking to develop a partnership with UBC and the Master of Data Science program, we have a variety of ways to connect you with our students and alumni.
Why Hire a Data Scientist?
There’s a lot of data out there, many organizations collect and store terabytes of data but often do not know what to do with it or how to use it to improve business processes, predict customer behaviour, increase revenues, etc. This is where a Data Scientist can help. A Data Scientist’s job is to:
- Craft a story, explaining the data in a way that will be easy to communicate and easy to act on.
- Make predictions either from that data or similar looking data that you’ll get in the future.
- Make sure that data is nicely formatted and conforms to some set of rules.
- Build some sort of data product that can be used by people who aren’t data scientists. This can take many forms: a visualization (or chart), a metric on a dashboard, or an application.
- Go back and redo the above tasks every time new data or situations occur. If you think that you are not collecting the right data, storing it in the right format or your data is not telling you a story (that you understand anyways) a Data Scientist can become an invaluable member of your team.
MDS students and alumni come from diverse educational backgrounds like business, engineering, statistics, computer science, science and arts and have an average of more than 2 years of working experience.
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Years Since Last Degree
Alumni Incomes
What Employers Have Said
Student Stories
Read about what they were doing prior to joining the program, their experience during the program, and their journey ahead.
Latest Employer Success Story
Visit our Employer Success Stories blog to read about how our industry partners are using data science in their organization and why did they partner with UBC MDS program to answer their data science question.
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Follow us on LinkedIn to see what are students and alumni are up to throughout the 10-months. You will find posts on MDS talks and upcoming events as well as profiles on our students.
Learn More About Data Science

Data science is a multi-disciplinary field that extracts knowledge and insights from data using scientific methods and reproducible and auditable processes.